
The act of writing, of sharing the circumstances, the gifts and the graces planned and carried out by my Savior and God brings joy, peace, and contentment to know that He has my life in His hands. My prayer for those who read, who share in what I continue to learn each day, many times through my weakness, is that you will be encouraged to look for God's presence and grace in your life also.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Everything has an expiration date" --Mark Bates

I'm thankful that I was born in the United States...the land of the plenty and the home of the free...most of the time.  Sometimes I wonder if being born in this land of plenty hurts my trusting God...you see, I don't always need Him.

This last week Ann VasKomp, with her son in Haiti, said in her post on 07.12.12 (click to find). "American dreams are about climbing out of all burdens. And God dreams are about carrying a cross and sharing one another's burdens. 
"How do Christians really bear another's burden, if we refuse to bear any burden at all?"

We don't like burdens...I mean we pray for safe trips, healthy babies, healing from all illnesses...quick healing. Maybe we should be praying that we will see God's hand in everything that happens on our trips, God's saving grace in our children's lives, and the grace and strength to always trust God through all the events of life.

We like an easy life where we are able to get most of what we want at any given time.  And if we don't get it, we still want it.

And then this morning's sermon was about "How to be rich...from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6.  "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

One thing Pastor Bates talked about was the "bad eye" talked about in Matthew 6.  The connotation of that bad eye is actually "evil eye."  It is a look of covetousness or greed. And a "evil eye" has a blinding effect.  He said the problem is a greedy eye is blind to what it really is.  We have a hard time seeing our own greed. We don't want to admit that for most of us money is security and so we don't want to let go of it.

And then the fire just three weeks ago...right out my window...smoke billowing into the sky above me, flames reaching toward all of us...flames that consumed 346 houses just one-and-one-half miles from my front door.  Only steps from many other's front door or back door.

It made some of us think...about the treasures. What is important. What we would not want to lose. Only to realize as Pastor said this morning...ALL of this will be gone someday...gone...left behind.

"Everything we have on earth has an expiration date."

So what lasts?  "Treasures laid up in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy.  Where thieves cannot break in a steal." And where flames can't burn--treasures in HEAVEN that last forever.

Which takes me back to my focus...His presence...which I don't always do well.
     Being aware of Him.
          Seeing Him work in all circumstances...
                One day at a time...

The more I can do that by God's grace, the more aware I will be of the fact that my wealth, my treasures, are not for my pleasure, not for my good times but rather God has entrusted wealth to me, little or much, for the purpose of bringing glory to God and helping others...through the sacrifice of my money, time and love.

Thanking Him once again for more than I deserve...but exactly what He wants me to have.

#560...flowers, flowers, flowers...gladiolas, lilies, dahlias, sunflowers, petunias, daisies, bee balm, roses, begonias, cosmos, bachelor buttons, marigolds, hibiscus, ...and butterflies.

#561...birds--chirping, flitting, eating, washing, chirping, flying, everywhere...all kinds

#562...zucchini for breads, cakes, hot dishes, side dishes

#563...green beans ready to pick...

#564...strawberries...a few...to pick and eat...

#565...cherry tomatoes...bursting with more flavor than can be described...

#566...water...from reservoirs to drink and water thirsty plants...

#567...time with friends and daughter hiking to Monument Rock and then tea at Wisdom Tea House...and a scone. :-)

#568...pastor's words on "What it means to be rich." click here and then in the lower right corner where the recent sermon is.) 

#569...lunch brought by a dear friend and then some card making...Thanks for a friend who make me slow down.

#570...cool nights...beautiful sunrises...

#571...raspberries to enjoy from daughter's yard.

#572...carpet cleaner...clean carpet...fewer spots...

#573...phone visit with Dad...

#574...my sister just across the street...together time-- to talk, to work out, to laugh, to cry, to share, to help, to listen, to just know she is there...thank you.

#575...my cat. Melvin who now knows his name and comes when I call...a buddy for Larry and me.

#576...Larry...his wit, his humor, his patience, his love for You...

#577...how You use Larry to teach me how imperfect, needy and sinful I am...so that I depend on You more for humor, patience and love...

#578...clouds...against blue skies...amazing...

#579...Jesus Calling... an amazing book to remind me of Your Presence...


And once again...Thank YOU for Your steadfast love and faithfulness...


  1. Darnly - I am the blessed one with you right across the street. Thank you.

  2. I really enjoyed that sermon.... where do you sit in which service? I look for you from the choir loft sometimes :)

    1. We sit on the right side facing the front. Usually in the back section close to the last aisle. I always look for you!!
