
The act of writing, of sharing the circumstances, the gifts and the graces planned and carried out by my Savior and God brings joy, peace, and contentment to know that He has my life in His hands. My prayer for those who read, who share in what I continue to learn each day, many times through my weakness, is that you will be encouraged to look for God's presence and grace in your life also.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thank you Lord, for water...

This summer there will be water restrictions here ....only two days a week  and not between the hours of 10 AM and 6 PM.  And if we use over a certain amount, the price of the water goes up to a cost that is prohibitive. (60 cents a gallon)

Guess I will be praying for rain... and carrying an umbrella.

Growing up in Colorado on a farm, water was a big deal.  Since it didn't rain a lot, my dad depended on irrigation to grow alfalfa and corn to feed the dairy cows.  All eight of us kids took our turns moving the irrigation pipes through the fields, snakes and all.

To this day, I love dark, dark clouds in the summer along with lightening. I'm sure it goes back to all those times we looked longingly and prayerfully to the skies for clouds  that would actually produce rain.

I guess Colorado hasn't changed that much...still semi-arid on the Eastern slope and always needing more rain.  Now they can forecast the weather better than back in the 50's and 60's. And it sounds like could be in for yet another year of drought.

Like I said, I will be praying for rain.....and carrying an umbrella..

My garden? Well, I won't be planting new things, unless they are drought resistant. But I will be thanking God for every bloom that comes, every zucchini, tomato and squash picked.  Maybe I will have time to sit down and really enjoy the sound of the waterfall, and I do love waterfalls.

There is just something about water, rushing water: the reflected, dancing sunshine, the bubbles, the foam, the sound, and of course the fresh smell.

God's grace and love around me....Thank YOU for:

#653...waking up to see sun shining on wet wood and ground....raaiinnnnnnn.................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

#654...reminder in sermon of "hesed" love from God....steadfast and faithful love...

#655... moments to be still and watch fish, gold, orange, red and white, realize it is warming up and spring really is coming....

#656...YOUR WORD....always new, always true, always life giving, always comforting.

#657...prayer...O THANK YOU for the privilege of approaching YOUR throne, of talking to you, of just  telling you what's going on and asking YOU, who created all things, for what I need.

#658....babies.  For every single one of them.  For life...

#659...the green blades of new life coming up through brown left-over winter...

#660...provision to pay bills and to give to others...

#661...hard things our lives like cancer, altzhimers, accidents, lost jobs, unbelieving children, broken marriages, hard separations by death....circumstances that drive us to you...to learn more about you and that trust is the answer....and heaven is the hope; that the best place we can be is dependent on YOU.

#662...healing here and the hope of heaven ever after...

#663...a vacation trip with my sister...the views, the water, the food, the warmth, and the laughter. Oh, and for Scrabble games.

#664... Renee and Greg and their willingness to take care of Larry.

#665...snow, snow and more snow with moisture.

#666...lunch with a friend who brought it here.

#667...the gym.

#668...second hand stores for needed things and surprise finds.

#669...being able to still have lunch with my 96 year old dad and his "little" sister, in her 80's.... and my sister and brother and wife.

#770...fun sunglasses that made a splash in Jamaica.... :-)


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